Fatigue and asthenia

Asthenia is a special psychopathological disorder that gradually progresses and affects the state of health of a person. Against the background of excessive depletion of attention and the tendency to fatigue in humans significantly reduced performance. Of course, the asthenic state is the most common syndrome in medicine, as it is accompanied by most diverse infection pathology – from a simple cold to food poisoning and tuberculosis. Also, it is may manifest in the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, and in the postpartum period in women. Specialists of various areas of medicine faced with asthenia – traumatologists, psychotherapists, and neurologists. Differential diagnostics is quite difficult. After all, it is necessary to establish the reason, which led to the occurrence of asthenia and only then can begin treatment. In some cases, it is impossible to cure a person without proper pharmacotherapy.

The main reasons for asthenia

Since asthenia is considered by experts as the initial stage of mental or neurological diseases, it must necessarily be differentiated with accumulated fatigue, pathological weakness after a severe illness.

A careful gathering of anamnesis can reveal various causes of asthenia:

  • a number of objective causes of overstrain structures of the higher nervous system;
  • minimum income from outside of nutrient components and trace elements – depleted diet;
  • severe metabolic processes in the body.

Similar factors arise periodically in the life of any person, but not always they will lead to asthenic disorder. In addition, provoking negative symptoms can exacerbate somatic pathologies – peptic ulcer and pancreatitis, acute respiratory infections and tuberculosis, myocardial infarction and pneumonia. Other reason may be the excessive enthusiasm of a person in his work. Lack of sleep, an unbalanced diet, a lack of proper rest – all of this, accumulating, leads to the appearance of asthenia, and in some cases, even to a nervous breakdown. The change of place of residence, severe stressful situations, and conflicts with colleagues also can cause the disorder. It must be understood that asthenia may occur due to a variety of reasons, which are not necessarily associated with the presence of a mental disorder. The causes of this condition may be chronic somatic diseases, and infectious pathologies, as well as excessive stress in the home or at work.


Pharmacotherapy includes the following drugs for asthenia:

  • Various adaptogens – drugs that increase the non-specific resistance of the organism to the action of harmful factors of the environment, as well as endogenous effects;
  • Modern nootropics;
  • Medicines with a sedative effect, such as Relaxedin (but only in the presence of pronounced irritation, anxiety, in other conditions sedation, will be contraindicated);
  • Vitamins of group B are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system, as well as ascorbic acid (Arcalion).