
Nervous system disorders in hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral disease that affects the liver. Liver problems affect the condition of the whole human body, including the nervous system. Sometimes anxiety is more disturbing than the symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract. Such manifestations should be monitored and, if necessary, seek medical attention.

Liver damage by the virus occurs gradually. Initially, the liver fights the pathogen, but over time, the body’s ability to self-healing is reduced. Although the disease does not manifest itself for a long time, at the psychological level there are changes. The following symptoms will occur:

  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • aggression
  • hypersensitivity;
  • fatigue;
  • insomnia.

Also, patients with hepatitis C often have a symptom such as a headache. Sometimes neurasthenia develops. The body experiences infectious intoxication, which provokes the accumulation of harmful substances in the cerebral cortex. As a result, there is a violation of its functionality.

Patients with chronic hepatitis C often complain of skin problems. Also, many of them have sore joints, numbness of the extremities, back pain, reminiscent of electric shock. All this has an extremely negative effect on the psyche and causes serious disorders.

Nervous system disorders can be triggered not only by liver dysfunction, but also by external factors. Often, a person who learns of his diagnosis develops depression.

Sometimes mental problems arise at the stage of unsuccessful treatment. Also, most antiviral drugs used for treatment provoke mental disorders. But it should be noted that such reasons are rare. Thanks to new effective antiviral drugs (such as Sovaldi or SoviHep) you can quickly return to your usual way of life.

Researchers have found a direct link between liver disease and chronic stress. Hepatitis is much more commonly diagnosed in patients who are constantly nervous and sleep deprived.

During stress, liver function is impaired slowly but irreversibly if not treated in time. This is due to free radicals that activate the accumulation of fat. This weakens the protective, filtration functions of the body, increases the risk of poisoning by toxic substances and infection with dangerous microorganisms.

At deterioration of a psychoemotional condition treatment by special drugs is necessary. Depending on the severity of symptoms, a person may be prescribed:

  • sedatives;
  • antidepressants;
  • change of daily routine;
  • special diet;
  • light physical activity.

Also, during this period, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations, spend more time outdoors, get enough sleep, eat healthy foods. Once the mental state has returned to normal, most sedatives can be stopped.