Thorough facial cleansing. To get rid of blackheads, it is necessary to ensure thorough skin cleansing, which should consist of several steps: Cleansing with hydrophilic oil and facial foam or gel. Begin by using hydrophilic …
Continue reading5 healthy snack ideas for Crohn’s disease
Eggs. Eggs are a source of folic acid, iron, zinc, selenium, choline and lutein. They are easy to prepare and can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator or packed in your lunchbox. …
Continue reading4 reasons for constant fatigue
Lack of activity in your life. Inactivity can be a primary cause of fatigue and reduced productivity. When you decide to get moving, many chemical processes occur in your body that contribute to improved well-being. …
Continue reading5 effective tips for strengthening your immune system
Do not use folk remedies without a doctor’s approval. Consuming large amounts of garlic, onions, lemons and ginger can be a risky way to boost immunity, especially if you have certain skin conditions or gastrointestinal …
Continue reading4 dangerous weight loss methods
Fasting. This process is perceived by the body as an unnatural state, so during long periods between meals, it activates compensatory mechanisms because it needs to “survive” and source energy from somewhere. Research shows that …
Continue reading5 habits that disrupt bowel function
Seize bad mood. Many people tend to eat more to improve their mood, which is a common mistake. Doctors refer to this as impulsive eating or compensatory overeating. In this case, the need for food …
Continue readingWhy does severe thirst occur in diabetes?
In diabetes, a lot of sugar accumulates in the body that it cannot utilize, so it needs to be removed. Consequently, glucose starts to be excreted in the urine, and it leaves the body in …
Continue readingAcne in summer: causes and treatment methods
Acne can appear on the face and the body all year round. However, during the summer, we often see a particular exacerbation of acne, triggered by a range of factors including sunlight, increased air temperatures …
Continue reading5 common myths about dandruff
Myth 1: There is no dandruff in blondes. The color of the skin or hair characteristics do not make a person uniquely different in terms of dandruff. Blondes can indeed have dandruff, including severe cases …
Continue readingHow to take medicines for Parkinson’s disease?
Take medications with light snacks, not during main meals. Dopaminergic agents should not be taken with high-fat and high-protein food. Amino acids and peptides compete with medicines when crossing the blood-brain barrier, and consuming large …
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