
9 causes of pigment spots

  1. Cosmetic procedures.

Hardware skin cleansing, peels can provoke the appearance of pigmentation. Especially if immediately after the procedure the injured skin is exposed to UV. Therefore, always consult a cosmetologist about the risk of pigmentation.

  1. Pigmentation can also be a sign of gastrointestinal problems.

The color of the spots indicates a variety of problems:

  • The appearance of reddish spots indicates disturbances in the work of the stomach and intestines, in which the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients are impaired.
  • Brown spots indicate problems with the liver and gallbladder.
  • Yellow spots on the skin can also be deposits of excess cholesterol in disorders of fat metabolism.
  1. Kidney disease.

One of the symptoms of kidney pathology is the appearance of yellowish-brown pigment spots on the body. At the same time, the skin becomes pale and thin. In kidney disease, pigment spots appear on the palms and soles.

  1. Pathology of the adrenal glands.

Many age spots appear on the skin in Addison’s disease. The adrenal glands stop producing the right amount of hormones in this autoimmune disease. Gradually, the skin may turn bronze. General weakness and frequent mood swings may also occur. If you notice such symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor to get the necessary treatment in time (such as Apo-Prednisone or Diprosone).

  1. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

The appearance of pigment spots can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins C, E and PP, as well as copper. Lack of vitamins develops with a lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet and malnutrition. Copper deficiency in the body can occur with inflammatory bowel disease, long-term use of antihypertensive drugs.

  1. Taking medication.

Pigmentation can be a side effect of some medications. The reason may be increased photosensitivity of the skin, ie susceptibility to UV. Some drugs can have this effect.

  1. Hormonal disorders and pregnancy.

Certain hormones in our body can increase melanin synthesis and pigmentation. This effect is provided by progesterone, estrogen and melanocyte-stimulating hormone. The first two are synthesized by the female genitals, and their changes can lead to spots on the face, chest, arms, back and abdomen.

During pregnancy, this process is physiological and after a while the spots disappear. However, if there is no pregnancy, but there is pigmentation and other symptoms of hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to undergo a laboratory examination.

  1. Allergic reactions.

Allergic rashes in atopic dermatitis or urticaria sometimes become pigmented. As the skin becomes inflamed at the site of the rash, its protective properties are reduced. As a result, the skin is particularly vulnerable.

  1. Age.

After 60 years, metabolism changes and this affects the work of cells that produce melanin. Also, the structure of the skin changes, and the melanin deposited in the dermis becomes more noticeable. Therefore, protect your skin from the sun and make sure that the menu contains enough foods with vitamin C and PP.