
Bright light and metabolism

Any changes in the body do not happen without a reason. There is always a factor that affects the situation and causes the problem. Also, there are always solutions to these problems and adaptation to them. This also applies to metabolic processes in the body.

As you know, a person cannot control the metabolic processes. Some people have them “faster” and others “slower”, which makes them more prone to obesity. But there are factors that can speed up or slow down metabolic processes, and in some cases even help in treatment.

One such factor is bright artificial light. It was experimentally discovered and later proven that bright light promotes quick awakening, cheerfulness and appetite, while moderate lighting reduces appetite and normalizes the level of the hormone insulin. Lighting is able to control body weight and can act as an assistant in the fight against excess weight.

Bright lighting, especially with a predominance of the blue color spectrum, causes hormonal changes and changes in the body’s metabolism, stimulates the secretion of insulin, which leads to an increase in its level in the blood, and accordingly causes tissue “habituation” to insulin. This adversely affects the body, because the risk of developing diabetes with complications of its treatment increases. In this case, the dosage of the necessary drugs that normalize blood sugar (such as Glizide, Glucobay) will be higher, because the tissues of the body have acquired “natural immunity” to insulin.

Moderate light increases the level of glucose in the blood and its concentration, which guarantees good assimilation by cells of carbohydrates entering the body and normalizes metabolism. Metabolic processes do not require additional stimulants. In this case, insulin does not have time to be produced in excess, and glucose is converted into energy, instead of being deposited in the tissues of the body and does not remain released in the blood.

Based on the results, a conclusion was drawn: you should sleep in the dark, completely turning off all light sources. In the morning, do not turn on bright lighting, it is better to ensure the body’s natural awakening, as well as the timely formation of hormones. But the working area should be well lit. In the process of mental or physical work, the body “forgets” about food. But insulin accumulates to neutralize the glucose that will remain after digesting food. When spending time at home from morning to evening, bright lighting should be turned on only when needed and for a short period of time. In the evenings, it is better to turn on dimmed lighting. It is better to choose warm light bulbs for apartment lighting.

Metabolic processes can also be normalized with the help of sleep. From 10 pm to 3 am, a certain hormone is produced, which promotes a good mood and improves metabolism. At this time, it is recommended to sleep with the light sources turned off.