
Common causes of a toothache

Toothache often comes as a surprise because it can occur even if the teeth seem completely healthy. In any case, if you have a toothache, you should contact your dentist. Causes of a toothache are:

  • microbial;
  • mechanical damage to the enamel;
  • other diseases.

Let’s take closer look at the most common causes.

  1. Caries. Toothache with destruction of enamel

Caries destroy tooth enamel both outside and inside. The disease manifests itself in the form of dark spots on the surface of the teeth. Initially, the spots are white and they are noticed only on the darkest surface of healthy enamel. This is the stage when bacteria already destroy the tooth membrane with the products of their vital activity.

  1. Pulpitis. Pain in the dental nerves

In this case, the pulp swells and presses on the nerve endings. As a result, the person feels pain. A common cause of pulpitis is caries, which progresses due to too many harmful bacteria and lack of timely treatment. Microbes, toxins and other harmful substances penetrate the nerve and interact with its tissues.

Powerful painkillers can help relieve acute pain quickly. These include Panadol and Acupan. However, for a full and quality treatment you need to visit qualified professionals.

  1. Teething wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth can cause severe pain that affects the cheeks, jaw and even the throat. Most often it has an aching. A tooth can grow under the gums both correctly and incorrectly. In the latter case, doctors recommend removing the tooth faster, not allowing it to develop further.

  1. Gingivitis.

Most patients experience gingivitis as a toothache. This disease can lead to the exposure of the roots of the teeth, which explains the increased sensitivity.

  1. Periodontitis.

Dead pulp remains inside the canal, and its purulent contents reach the gums. This provokes severe pain that does not even allow you to touch the tooth.

  1. SARS, sinusitis, ethmoiditis.

Bacterial and viral diseases affect the mucous membranes of the sinuses, which is dangerous for the teeth. These inflammations can lead to pain in the upper row of teeth.

  1. Whitening procedures and toothpaste abrasive particles.

Teeth whitening can lead to tooth sensitivity. Removal of the “bacterial layer” may be accompanied by a violation of the mineral composition of the enamel. If this happens, all teeth usually suffer.

  1. Hard toothbrush and strong pressure when brushing teeth.

Brush your teeth twice a day for 2-3 minutes. It is also important to choose the right toothbrush with the right level of hardness and not put too much pressure on the teeth during the procedure. If you ignore these factors, you can easily damage the enamel, which will cause aching pain in the teeth.