Male hair loss

Male hair loss is a problem caused by various factors. But the most influential is heredity. If in 18-30 years only 16% of men are faced with hair loss, then in 40-50 years 58% of strong sex suffer from this problem.

Interestingly, the excess of male hormones leads to increased hair growth on the chest, back and face, and reduction of hair quantity on the head.

Reducing the level of dihydrotestosterone reduces hair loss in men, but is accompanied by a decrease in sexuality.

As you know, the male genome contains 22 pairs of chromosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes, which is commonly known as XY, in contrast to the female organism, where the sex chromosomes form are the couple of XX.

Male baldness in 70% of cases is transmitted by a special gene contained in the X-chromosome. Mother sends her son a gene from their ancestors. The daughter will become the bearer of the gene and can transfer it inherited, but she will never lose all hair, in the female body is not enough testosterone. In medicine, hereditary baldness is called androgenetic alopecia.

Male hair loss at androgenetic baldness usually begins in the frontal and parietal region, gradually moving to the top. At first, the hair begins to grow more slowly, thinned, and then drop out. Follicles are starting to produce only thin soft hair. After 10-15 years, and sometimes much earlier, the roots fall asleep, then the mouth of the hair follicles overgrown with the connective tissue, which excludes the growth of hair forever.

In addition to genetic predisposition and excessive amount dihydrotestosterone, there are other causes of hair loss in men. One of the most common is stress. Strong emotional stress leads to compression of hair follicles and disturbance of their blood supply. As a result, the hair becomes dull, brittle, thinned and falls out.

Chronic stress acts on the hair in a different way. In the body of a man the metabolism deteriorates, biochemical processes of the brain are violated, and the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland decreases. All these factors have a detrimental effect on the state of hair in men.

Often the causes of baldness in men are associated with harmful habits, malnutrition, and bad ecology. Lack of vitamins and trace elements in the diet leads to a deterioration of hair follicles, they weaken and die before the term.

Smoking contributes to hair loss indirectly. Nicotine negatively affects blood circulation, hormonal production, the state of internal organs, which leads to a deterioration of blood supply to the follicles, a decrease in their life cycle.

Men’s hair falls out due to the presence of chronic diseases. Disorders of the thyroid gland, anemia, diabetes, radiation sickness, some oncological diseases, cervical osteochondrosis, skin infections on the head are just a short list of ailments, which may result in baldness in men.

Medicinal drugs used for treating some disorders can also have a negative effect on hair growth. These include antibiotics, antipsychotics, antidepressants, anticoagulants, hormonal drugs and many other medicines.

For the treatment of male baldness, it is necessary to understand the cause of hair loss.

Diffuse alopecia (uniform hair loss) is usually treated.

Focal baldness (loss in several foci) is prone to recurrence, complete recovery occurs in about 70% of cases.

From non-specific medications, you can always use special solutions for external use, such as Hair4U.