
Old age is a disease and it is curable

This phrase of the famous American nutritionist Professor Henry Sherman is confirmed by scientists around the world. We ourselves must do everything so that no child in the family gets sick and no elderly person suffers from old age.

The ancient Greeks (Pelasgians) believed that “to die at age 70 is almost the same as to die in a cradle.”

In recent decades, the average life expectancy is 70 years, so the idea that you can live long and not get sick, seems fantastic. But in fact, your health depends a lot on your mood, lifestyle and thoughts. Professor Henry Sherman proved that the life expectancy of animals can be increased by eating healthy food that contains all the necessary elements. Previously, people did not have knowledge about the needs of their body, there was not a large number of drugs, so there were many serious diseases that were very difficult to treat.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible to live without disease and aging. But medicine, biology, physiology have already accumulated so much knowledge that now people can take care of their own health. However, healthy longevity requires a certain lifestyle.

Tips for a person to live long

  1. Proper breathing (deep breathing).
  2. Active muscle movements and regular exercise to increase blood circulation, lymph, all body fluids.
  3. No spine problems.
  4. Rational nutrition (sufficient amount of all necessary micro- and macronutrients that are necessary for cells, tissues, organs of the body).
  5. Drinking up to 2-3 liters of fluid daily.
  6. Sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.
  7. Physiological balance in the functioning of the whole organism: its cells, tissues, organs, systems.
  8. Positive emotions.
  9. Serious noble goals that awaken the great energy of creativity, the desire for continuous learning, stimulate curiosity, the desire to be pleasant, useful, needed by others.
  10. Timely treatment of pathologies in the early stages.

Life expectancy depends on the person

Most diseases are curable, but there is a lack of understanding of the causes, ignorance of the diagnosis, ignorance of the means and methods of treatment. Therefore, everyone should be knowledgeable about health and responsible. If you have any symptoms, you need to see a doctor to quickly find out the cause and cure the disease. If there is inflammation, it is necessary to take drugs that will help get rid of it (for example, Dicoliv-MR or Curam Duo). Only this will help a person to live a creative, interesting life, using the achievements of modern science, personal and other people’s experience, as well as their own mental, spiritual and physical strength to realize their abilities.

The human body is a wonderful, self-healing, self-improving system, but even it cannot function properly if used improperly. Our health, happiness, love and well-being depend only on us!