
The influence of hats on the appearance of dandruff. Rules for wearing a hat

Exfoliation of the scalp and unpleasant itching are the main signs of dandruff. On the hair and shoulders you can see small white scales, which regularly spoil the hair and mood.

Many people do not like hats because they spoil the beautiful styling. However, hats are very important to protect the scalp and hair from wind and frost. But in warm weather, the head in the cap overheats; the skin sweats quickly and actively produces sebum. In this environment, microorganisms are actively multiplying, which causes the characteristic itching and peeling of the scalp.

In an attempt to correct the situation, many people start washing their hair or using peels more often. However, this will not eliminate the root cause of the problem. To prevent dandruff, you need to wear hats properly:

  • use any fur models at a temperature of 50 ° F and below;
  • at temperatures above 50 ° F, choose knitted hats;
  • When entering the room, be sure to take off the cap to prevent overheating and sweating of the head;
  • Wash the cap regularly, as it may contain microorganisms. The best option: wash hats every 10 days at a temperature of at least 140°F;

These tips are useful for preventing dandruff while wearing a hat. It happens that a person decides to take drastic measures and completely abandons hats in winter. As a result, dandruff does not disappear, and sometimes its number increases. This effect occurs due to significant temperature differences. If you move from a cold street (where you were without a hat), to a warm room, the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. As a result, the risk of dandruff is the same with or without a cap.

To prevent dandruff, you should follow some rules of home care. These tips are quite effective when a seasonal problem arises.

  1. Comb your hair with a massage brush before washing.
  2. Wash your hair as needed; do not wash your hair more often than usual if you notice dandruff. Just replace your regular shampoo with a special anti-dandruff product (such as Arcolane or Nizoral Shampoo).
  3. Do not scratch the scalp with combs or hairpins, as even minor irritations can cause dandruff.
  4. Strengthen your immune system. Do not forget about the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle and taking multivitamins in winter and spring.
  5. Periodically do a light massage of the scalp, rinse your hair with cool water. It tones the skin and significantly improves local blood circulation.
  6. Avoid scalps and scrubs that can cause dryness and exacerbate dandruff.
  7. Wear hats according to the weather to avoid overheating or excessive cooling of the head.
  8. Avoid stressful situations, as they can provoke dandruff, as well as other adverse factors.

To avoid problems, follow the rules of prevention. When the first symptoms appear, use a special hair care product. The main thing is to always carefully care for the scalp and keep it clean.