
Why pityriasis versicolor does not go away?

In most cases, the patient can be quickly cured of pityriasis versicolor with special medications (Nizoral), the rash completely disappears within 2-3 weeks after starting therapy. But some people have faced the fact that the disease lasts for months, the fungus is spreading, it is difficult to cope with. It also happens that the rash may return in a few weeks after recovery.

Recurrences and long-term infections are often associated with a lack of proper treatment. Some people mistakenly believe that pityriasis versicolor is not a dangerous disease. As a result, they refuse to visit a dermatologist.

It should be remembered that pityriasis versicolor occurs only in the presence of factors that contribute to it: for example, weakened immunity. Thus, for complete recovery it is important not only to kill fungi, but also to get rid of the cause of the disease.

The second common cause of long-term infection is failure to follow medical guidelines on personal hygiene. It is important for a sick person not only to take antifungal drugs, but also:

  • refuse to take a bath (replace it with a shower), do not use washcloths, do not visit saunas, baths, swimming pools;
  • choose comfortable clothes made of natural fabrics: tight clothing additionally irritates the skin, disrupts the sweat glands, which creates optimal conditions for further development of the fungus;
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene: disinfect bed linen, pajamas, hats, towels and other textiles that touch the skin.

In some cases, recovery does not occur even if all medical prescriptions are followed. Such cases are diagnosed if the body is unable to effectively fight the pathogen. In such situations, specialists prescribe oral antifungal drugs (Nizral), which quickly inhibit the growth of fungi.

After recovery, to avoid recurrence, it is recommended to follow the following recommendations:

– to strengthen immunity by means of regular physical activities, walks in the fresh air, vitamin complexes in the autumn-spring period;

– normalize your diet: give up fatty and smoked foods in favor of fresh fruits and vegetables;

– Do not abuse alcohol.

It is also advisable to avoid wearing tight synthetic clothing in the hot season or while vacationing in warm countries.

Before starting treatment, it is always necessary to reliably diagnose, and only a dermatologist can do it. In this case, the treatment of skin symptoms must be combined with the search for the root cause of the disease and its correction. Otherwise, you may have many prolonged relapses of pityriasis versicolor, resistant to any therapy. As a result of self-medication:

  • recovery does not occur, and the rash spreads to new parts of the body;
  • the probability of recurrence increases – after the rash disappears, it reappears (with weakened immunity) and is chronic.