Healthy nutrition

Healthy nutrition is the key to beauty and a healthy GI tract

As you know, healthy and balanced nutrition is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle and the key to a slim and beautiful figure. When inexperienced ordinary people hear the phrase “healthy food”, they immediately imagine tasteless dishes, unappetizing steamed vegetables and meat, as well as a complete ban on all sweets. In fact, healthy food can and should be not only useful, but also necessarily tasty to bring pleasure from its consumption.

Choose the right products

The basis of a healthy diet is the consumption of such products, which will provide the body with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Healthy daily meals must meet several requirements:

  • if possible, it should consist of natural products;
  • have a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • include a minimum of chemical additives;
  • be properly cooked.

And if in the summer it is quite easy to choose healthy products for cooking your favorite dishes, in the winter it is somewhat more difficult due to the lack of fresh vegetables. But at this time of the year, you can use frozen products.

Following the rules of healthy eating, choose a variety of dishes consisting of vegetables, cereals, meat and seafood. It is also useful to sometimes treat yourself to delicious desserts made of milk and fruits or berries. Such products will preserve your youth, promote gastrointestinal motility and good digestion. But remember that with certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you cannot eat even some healthy foods. So, for example, people with ulcers and hyperacid gastritis cannot eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. In this case, a special medical diet and taking such drugs as Lanzol or Nexpro are necessary. Their therapeutic benefits are achieved by means of inhibiting the secretion of stomach acid. Antisecretory effects are produced by suppressing an enzyme system that occurs within the parietal cells of the stomach.

And it is also important to consume only fresh products. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the expiration dates.

And most importantly, always read the label carefully, including the fine print. The actual composition of the purchased product will be written there.

Cook in a multicooker

And so that cooking daily meals becomes simpler and faster, and also that the maximum amount of useful substances remains in the products, use a multicooker. Fortunately, in the modern world, you can cook almost any dish using this technique, including potatoes and various soups, vegetable stews and porridges, dairy products and desserts, casseroles, pasta and all kinds of pastries.

Dishes prepared according to recipes in a multicooker contain less “harmful” fats and carcinogenic substances that are formed during frying, and also allow you to preserve the juicy and rich taste of products.

Eat with pleasure and have a slim figure and healthy gastrointestinal tract.