
How not to gain weight during the holidays: 16 tips

Everyone wants to look beautiful and slim. But at the same time there are many holidays, celebrating which we overeat, gain weight and feel heaviness in the abdomen. Here are 16 tips that you can use to celebrate the holidays without gaining weight.

  1. Do not cook many different dishes.

If you have a lot of different dishes on the table, you want to try a little bit of each, and you do not even notice how quickly you overeat. You can reduce the number of dishes, and place the same away from each other.

  1. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before eating.

Every time you come to your friends for dinner, ask for a glass of water. This will help you avoid dehydration and eat less.

  1. Bring healthy food with you.

If you go to a feast and are worried that there will not be enough healthy food, bring this food yourself. It can be a variety of salads, fruits, nuts and more. This is a great way to contribute to the healthy eating of others.

  1. Do not come to the feast hungry.

Even if you know that you will eat a lot in the evening, you still need to have breakfast and lunch. Feeling hungry, you eat more and faster, not giving your body time to properly digest food.

  1. Tight-fitting clothes.

Wearing tight-fitting clothes, you will not allow yourself to eat a lot.

  1. Praise the dishes while eating in the company.

This is a great way to focus on food and praise the chef.

  1. Think about what you will eat.

If you know you want to eat dessert, then do not eat a lot of salads, sandwiches or side dishes.

  1. Talk to friends while eating.

Talk while eating. Because of this, you will eat more slowly, and there will be more time for the signal to reach your brain that you are full.

  1. Drink espresso after a meal.

You can benefit from a cup of espresso after a meal. It is known that chlorogenic acids, which are found in large quantities in coffee, improve digestion and help to slowly release glucose into the blood.

  1. Take Orligal or Cetislim.

Take one of these medications with a meal. This will prevent excessive absorption of fat into your body.

  1. Drink less alcohol.

Alcohol has a significant negative impact on the weight loss process. On the one hand, it increases our appetite, on the other hand – reduces the body’s ability to burn fat.

  1. Know how to say no.

Often at banquets, people may ask you to taste a variety of dishes. If you do not want to eat them, then refuse, for example, saying that you really liked another dish that you want to eat more.

  1. Take dessert home.

If you’re already full, don’t eat dessert just because it looks good. Ask if it is possible to package the dessert and take it home. Your friends will definitely be happy to pack a dessert for you and you will have a delicious breakfast the next day.

  1. Walk

It’s a nice way to burn off the calories you ate for dinner.

  1. Chewing.

Chew your food thoroughly, paying attention to flavors, textures and your sensations – and there will be no need for other healthy eating tips and tricks.

  1. Morning exercises.

If you have eaten too much on holidays, try to run, exercise or do yoga the next morning. Help your body burn the extra calories you received the day before.