
Lifestyle and beauty

Countless factors affect our appearance every day, and most of them are directly related to lifestyle. Our figure, body weight, elasticity and freshness of the skin, shining eyes – all this is not only genetically inherited, but also depends on what we do every day. Depending on whether we eat healthy or unhealthy food, whether we drink enough water or not, whether we regularly do sports, or are nervous about minor failures – all this affects our appearance, whether we want it or not. The wrong way of life is like a ticking time bomb, which for years can mislead you that beauty does not disappear as a result of eating Big Macs and drinking liters of Coca-Cola.

What should our lifestyle consist of to stay healthy and beautiful?

  1. Habits.

They can be both useful and harmful. Habits have one insidious feature – they are so firmly and imperceptibly included in our lives that we do not pay attention to them at all. And our whole life consists of these small skills. If the habit is useful, then it will accumulate its positive effect for years, and if it is bad, then vice versa. Typical harmful lifestyle habits include: overeating at night, having pizza for dinner, reading a book while eating, going to bed after midnight, snacking often, touching your face and hair with dirty hands, buying cheap cosmetics, sunbathing for hours in the sun without applying sunscreen to your skin. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Observe yourself for a few days, analyze all your actions, ask family and friends to comment on this topic (harmful habits may be more visible to other people), then make a complete list and opposite each item write a good habit that can replace a bad one. Psychologists believe that it is enough to follow the new rules for only 3 weeks, after which they will be in your life constantly.

  1. Nutrition.

Everyone knows the phrase: “We are what we eat.” But, unfortunately, not every person considers this a guide to action. Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure drinking water every day, eat more fruits and vegetables, limit the consumption of fats, but never eliminate them completely. Nutrition should be balanced in terms of all macro- and microelements, vitamins and amino acids. Nothing should be excluded from the diet. In today’s world, there is a lot of information about healthy eating (not to be confused with diets for losing weight or gaining weight!), in addition, you can read about the effect of food on the brain in this article.

  1. Physical activity.

You don’t have to climb mountains, work out in the gym or do aerobics to the point of dizziness. The human body’s need for physical activity can be successfully met by ordinary walking for 40-60 minutes every day.

  1. Take care of your health.

If you notice any unpleasant symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. Diseases significantly affect a person’s appearance. So, for example, with hypothyroidism, hair loss appears, the condition of nails and skin deteriorates. But timely and regular intake of such drugs as Eltroxin and Tiromel will help restore your beauty and get rid of the symptoms of hypothyroidism.