sun protection

Sun Protection in Summer

How delightful it is to bask in the rays of the summer sun. However, the sun is far from harmless, and neglecting the rules of protection can have adverse effects on your health. Whether you’re at the beach, in the countryside, or taking a summer stroll, it’s important to protect yourself.

The Benefits of the Sun

The sun can be beneficial for the body. It helps activate the central nervous system and strengthens blood vessels. Additionally, the sun’s ultraviolet rays assist in the production of vitamin D.

Choosing Sun Protection

Selecting the right form of protection against ultraviolet radiation depends not only on skin type but also on the geographical area of residence. SPF 10-20 products are usually sufficient, while the south regions of many countries may require protection with an SPF 50.

Degree of Protection for Different Skin Types

There are six different skin phototypes with varying reactions to ultraviolet light. It is important to choose protection products that suit a person according to his skin color.

Classic European Type

Fair-skinned blondes with blue or gray eyes fall into this category. SPF 30 products are suitable for such individuals.

Celtic Type

This phototype includes individuals with very fair skin, red hair, and blue eyes. They are strongly advised to use creams with SPF 40-50.

Mediterranean Type

People with dark skin, dark eyes, and hair belong to this phototype. Even individuals with this skin type require products with a minimum SPF 10.

Dark-skinned European Type

This phototype includes individuals with slightly dark skin and dark blond or light chestnut hair. SPF 20 products (for example, Sunkroma Lotion) are recommended for such individuals.

Asian Phototype

People with an Asian phototype can protect themselves from the sun with SPF 10.

African Phototype

Individuals with an African phototype need sunscreens with an SPF of up to 10.

What You Need to Know About Sunscreen

To ensure effective sun protection, it’s important not only to choose the right products but also to use them correctly. Consider the following points:

Sunscreen takes at least half an hour to start working after application.

There are creams that completely block ultraviolet radiation but should be used only under a doctor’s recommendation due to a higher risk of allergic reactions.

Start using a product with a high SPF (SPF 50, such as Daylong Extreme SPF 50+) for sun exposure, tand then move on to using creams that are suitable for certain skin types.

Waterproof sunscreens are ideal for beach use as they do not wash off easily.

Tanning creams contain filters that protect against UV radiation and provide a beautiful tan while preventing skin burns.

Sunscreens can be drying, so after washing off the sunscreen, moisturize the skin to restore lost moisture.

Lastly, it is crucial to remember the main rule of sun exposure: Seek shade from noon to four in the afternoon, especially for children.

Wishing you a delightful summer!