The mood is autumn!

With the first days of autumn, the world has lost its colors, and you are stuck in the gray, unruly days? Congratulations! It is your autumn depression.

Of course, this psycho-emotional state cannot be called “depression” in the medical sense. In this case, another term is more appropriate – a temporary seasonal decrease in mood. But! If you do not fight it and bring yourself to nervous exhaustion, then it can easily develop into a full-blown depression or neurosis.

Mood decline, lack of strength, laziness, tearfulness, irritability, pessimism – all these symptoms are well known to people who are prone to such autumn and winter conditions. But the dangers of this condition do not end there. On a reduced psycho-emotional background, chronic illnesses begin to aggravate and the general condition of the organism worsens: “jumps” of blood pressure and frequent headaches begin, anxiety, insomnia, pain in the area of ​​the stomach, heart attack, pain in the bones and joints, loss of appetite. In general, there is a little pleasant. Why is this happening to us? There is a certain category of people who are predisposed to such conditions in character.

This is the most popular explanation for the cause, but the seasonal “depression” has medical roots as well. This is due to the decrease in the amount and intensity of autumn-winter sunlight. It is with sunlight help the hormone serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is produced in our body. And since the autumn and winter daylight is reduced, so is the amount of produced “happiness”. And in the dark, the human body produces the hormone melatonin, which inhibits the nervous system, preparing it for rest and sleep. So, we are sleepy, sluggish and tired.

Also do not forget about the stresses, without which it is difficult to imagine the modern world. They also often cause such depressive states. After a period of intense nervous excitement, the body lacks the strength to return to normal functioning and it enters hibernation. Although, it is may happen at any time of the year, not just in the pre-autumn period.

Usually, people with such problems do not want to seek the help of a doctor and living in the hope that the problem will resolve itself. Maybe so! The mild form of the psycho-emotional disorder can be corrected with the help of a special diet, physiotherapy procedures and exercise. Be sure to add to your diet foods that promote serotonin (bananas, dates), antidepressant products (bitter chocolate) and foods rich in Vitamin C to improve the immune system (grapefruits, oranges).

The lack of sunlight is difficult to compensate for, so catch every minute with the sun and be outdoors more often. Or you can use light therapy services, but this is already must be done with a doctor. Also, don’t forget about sports. Although intense exercise does not increase the production of the hormone of happiness, it does reduce the production of the stress hormone (cortisol). And it is better to start the sport in advance as prophylaxis, without bringing your body to a nervous-arousal state.

If the above methods have not helped, drug therapy may be used. In this case, the use of modafinil will be safe and effective. If the choice will be antidepressants, remember that it is desirable to coordinate their reception with your doctor! Each medication is selected individually.