
7 causes that can lead to dementia

  1. Lack of complex tasks.

The brain is an organ that requires regular exercise. In the absence of problems solving, our brain loses its efficiency. Studies show that the highest brain activity is between the ages of 16 and 25. It is during this period that its effectiveness is at its peak. Later, in the absence of new unusual tasks, brain productivity decreases.

Our brain is designed in such a way that when we are interested in unfamiliar things, new nerve connections are formed in its cortex. The more such neural connections there are, the more flexible the human brain becomes and the longer it stays healthy. Regular mental exercises are very important to prevent senile dementia.

  1. Lack of oxygen.

Spending a whole day in a stuffy office, you deprive your body of complete oxygen saturation. Insufficient oxygen reduces the efficiency of the brain. This leads to fatigue, poor concentration and poor memory. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly spend time in the fresh air to saturate the body with oxygen.

  1. Drinking insufficient clean water.

Our brain needs water just like all organs. The human brain is 80% composed of this valuable fluid. It is with water that nutrients come, thanks to which the brain begins to function more efficiently. When the body is dehydrated, the brain suffers one of the first. The person begins to feel weak and tired.

  1. Bad habits.

When smoking and drinking alcohol, neurobiological changes occur in the brain. For example, smoking reduces the thickness of the cerebral cortex. As a result, mental abilities and thinking levels are reduced. People who suffer from bad habits have an accelerated aging process of the brain several times.

  1. Lack of physical activity.

Exercise and a healthy lifestyle are necessary for the body to maintain muscle tone. Due to physical activity, the blood begins to circulate actively throughout the body, saturating brain cells with nutrients. This has a very good effect on long-term memory.

In addition, people who do not engage in any physical activity are often overweight. Obesity leads to an increase in free radicals and inflammation, which leads to a decrease in the number of brain cells. This, in turn, contributes to memory problems and premature aging.

  1. Unhealthy diet.

The brain, like the whole body, needs nutrients that enter the body with food. Accordingly, if a person eats foods that are not rich in vitamins and minerals, the brain begins to lack them. As a result, the brain is depleted and its functions deteriorate.

In addition to unhealthy foods, strict diets have a negative effect on brain function. Skipping breakfast also does a lot of damage to the brain. Studies show that people who eat breakfast regularly work better than those who miss the most important meal of the day.

  1. Bad sleep.

Poor sleep has a negative effect on the human body and especially on the brain. After a sleepless night, concentration, productivity and energy decrease. During sleep, the important hormone melatonin is produced in the human body. Due to this hormone, the aging process slows down, and general well-being and condition improve. Melatonin has anti-stress and antitumor properties. That is why people who approach sleep competently keep their brain healthy and young for a long time.

If you notice symptoms of dementia, see your doctor and take effective medications (such as Aricept or Atarax).