
Can a child be allergic to down pillows?

Allergy to down pillows in a child may appear against the background of contact with home textiles filled with down and feathers of waterfowl (goose, chicken, duck, swan). The mixture of natural bird’s feathers and down considers being the warmest, softest and lightest material with excellent thermal insulation, ensuring a comfortable sleep. However, with all the set of positive characteristics, pillows with such filler can pose a health hazard.

Let us consider in detail the factors that increase the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction in children:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • weakened immune defenses;
  • other types of allergies;
  • prolonged stay in a stressful state;
  • age-related hormonal changes.

The peculiarity of the children’s immune system is that it reacts with increased sensitivity to allergens accumulated in the pillow. Often the cause of the appearance of a pathological reaction is dust mites and biological waste of their life. With prolonged use of pillows without proper hygienic care, mites actively multiply.

In addition, the list of the strongest irritants includes a specific protein contained in bird saliva and epithelium, as well as bird excrement. Early identification of symptoms will help quickly diagnose the cause and remove contact with allergenic.

Histamine synthesis trigger in the body to protect against an irritant when an allergy manifests itself. This is a kind of danger signal, in response to which other cells begin actively work, intensive stimulation of all systems and processes in the body occurs.

The following symptoms appear:

  • irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, accompanied by difficulty breathing, sneezing, suffocating cough (usually at night and in the morning);
  • intense watery discharge from the nose without SARS;
  • inflammation and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, lacrimation;
  • skin manifestations in the contact area.

Allergic symptoms may appear immediately after contact with an irritant or over time. This process depends on the level of the immune defense, the rate of accumulation of toxins in the body. With an immediate course, manifestations appear after 5-7 minutes, while in case of slow development symptoms appear after 2-3days.

In children, symptoms appear earlier and more intensely than in adults. The child’s immunity is not sufficiently developed and, thus, it is more sensitive. Intensive production of histamine can be accompanied by such dangerous manifestations as muscle spasms and bronchospasm, swelling of muscles and soft tissues. If the child’s condition deteriorates sharply, there is difficulty in breathing or swelling on the face, emergency medical care is needed.

To avoid allergies, pay particular attention to pillow hygiene and take anti-allergic drugs. The pillows should disinfect and cleaned as often as possible. Natural pillows can be processed at high temperatures. Among anti-allergic drugs, pay attention to modern ones, such as Alerid, Relent or Zyrtec.