skin of the face

How to heal and tone the skin of the face

The beauty of the face and the condition of the skin have always been indicators of a well-groomed woman. Every woman wants to be beautiful and fashionable, but many forget that cleaning the skin of the face and toning it is the basis and necessity for beauty.

Unfortunately, many girls and women in the morning look pale, have pigmented skin, black spots on the nose and cheeks, and some have acne on the chin, forehead and similar troubles. In such cases, consultations with dermatologists-cosmetologists are recommended, but someone cannot use their services for various reasons. But do not be upset! For example, you can do facial cleansing at home, as well as the whole set of procedures necessary for refreshing and improving the skin.

There are three phases:

  • cleaning;
  • recovery;
  • hydration.

Phase one: cleaning

Skin healing begins with its cleansing. Pay special attention to this in summer and winter, when the skin becomes either too oily or too dry. The easiest solution is to wash your face with cosmetic care products suitable for your skin type.

For better cleaning, it is necessary to wash with warm water and make a hot compress (for 10-15 minutes) to expand the pores. Then carefully remove black spots from the surface of the skin using a cotton pad and thoroughly wipe the face with lotion. An alcohol tonic for cleansing the skin is ideal for this, it has an astringent effect and “glues” the pores, making them less visible. With its help, the pores will be “closed” after the procedure.

If you do not have such tonics, you can do cleaning in another way – smear your face with ice cubes immediately after the hot compress. The change in temperature stimulates blood circulation, tones the skin of the face and improves its color.

Phase Two: Recovery

After cleaning, it is necessary to nourish the skin, improve its condition, and for this, special masks and other cosmetic products should be used. In order to improve the health of the skin, it is important not to neglect this stage, using more than just a mask. Cosmetics stores have a large selection of different cosmetics.

Phase three: moisturizing

Another important step is moisturizing. To moisturize the skin, you can use not only numerous cosmetic products, but also home-made ones. For example, you can use the juice of red currants, lemons, cucumbers and other fresh fruits, vegetables and berries. Moreover, some of these fruits are able to tone the skin and perform a peeling function due to the content of acids in them. It is not difficult to find recipes for home remedies from natural products on the Internet, and it is not difficult to make them at home. However, such recipes are less effective than professional cosmetics. Therefore, it should be remembered that such procedures should be done regularly.

Thanks to this care, your skin will become healthier. But keep in mind, if you have acne or another skin disease, in addition to care, you need to use medications, for example, Adapen Gel or Dalacin.