
The beauty of a smile – how not to be afraid of the dentist

A smile is a symbol of joy, pride and self-confidence. Facial expressions are important in many areas of human life. Why is it important? Does a strong intelligent self-sufficient man or a beautiful wise woman want to have a beautiful healthy smile? Do you want to be able to smile widely, without thinking about whether caries are visible and thereby feel your charm? We think the answer is obvious. Let’s consider one of the most important factors of having a beautiful smile in a modern person – a visit to the dentist!

Have you noticed how a person changes after competent dental care?

How does self-perception, self-esteem and mood change when a person has healthy teeth, what delight does she have from her reflection in the mirror. A person wants to smile and is confident in his smile! Her attitude towards herself and others is improving! The patient leaves the dentist’s office, inspired by his changes and courage, which allowed him to make the desired transformations.

Courage, patience, self-control is what is needed by the future patient who wants to change the health of his teeth and the beauty of his smile.

Dentophobia is a problem of several generations. They did not appear because of bad and inept dentists. The problem is the slowness of progress in this field in previous years, which is being compensated for now. The reason lies only in this, and not in particular pain sensations in the oral cavity or fear of dental instruments. All fears and worries associated with dental manipulations are a consequence of the impossibility of providing high-quality, comfortable care without any unpleasant sensations.

Also, there was and still is a set of reasons for the imperfection of communication and mutual understanding of this “dentist-patient” tandem. The patient must trust the doctor, understand him, and be relaxed, willing to make the necessary compromises.

After all, a person’s admiration for himself when he looks in the mirror, pleasant sensations in his mouth, praise of himself, gratitude to the doctor – all this depends on the mutual understanding and mutual trust that has developed between two people. A dentist who performs therapeutic or aesthetic work, unlike many medical specialties, is in visual contact with the patient throughout the treatment period. And the doctor immediately feels the patient’s fear, anxiety, mistrust, pessimism and pre-formed resentment for the discomfort caused. All this creates emotional tension and the desire of the doctor to finish the work as soon as possible without inspiration and compassion.

A true professional has a lot of knowledge, ideas and a desire to help in the treatment and improvement of the oral cavity. Such doctors regularly attend courses, seminars, read professional literature, and if necessary ask for advice from colleagues and even visit a psychologist. They really want to help, understand and heal you! Therefore, visit a doctor whom you trust and be sure to follow his recommendations and take prescribed drugs, especially pain relievers (Panadol) and hemostatic drugs (Trapic).