The modern world has become so progressive and rapid that our body sometimes fails to keep up with it. Constant snacks, frequent stresses, poor ecology – even the healthiest person can’t withstand it. In pursuit …
Continue readingHow to get rid of chronic fatigue?
Do you feel like squeezed lemon with the onset of autumn? Nothing pleases, the mood “at zero”, life seems boring and monotonous? And to everything else is added fatigue and loss of strength (even if …
Continue readingThe mood is autumn!
With the first days of autumn, the world has lost its colors, and you are stuck in the gray, unruly days? Congratulations! It is your autumn depression. Of course, this psycho-emotional state cannot be called …
Continue readingPrevention of ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection)
Cold and damp in the overcoming autumn period – ideal satellites for the development of acute respiratory diseases. The pathogens that cause them literally hover in the air and with each breath people are threatened …
Continue readingFirst aid in case of overeating
Each of us is a bit of a gourmet, and when we find ourselves in a beautiful festive table with a wide range of dishes, we can not restrain ourselves from trying it all. But …
Continue readingCarefully, diarrhea! First aid in case of diarrhea
In a day, you can do a lot of nasty actions (such as touch dirty surfaces and do not wash hands after that, forgot to wash an apple, ate chops, which stood without a refrigerator …
Continue readingHeartburn
Heartburn is a special feeling of discomfort behind the sternum that extends upwards from the epigastric region along the esophagus. One way or another it is associated with the return of gastric contents in the …
Continue readingFatigue and asthenia
Asthenia is a special psychopathological disorder that gradually progresses and affects the state of health of a person. Against the background of excessive depletion of attention and the tendency to fatigue in humans significantly reduced …
Continue readingLymphomas (Treatment of Hodgkin’s disease)
Lymphomas are a kind of malignant tumors, affecting primarily the lymphatic system of the organism, consisting of lymph nodes, united by the system of small vessels. With lymphomas, lymphocytes have unlimited division, and as a …
Continue readingAcne: types, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Acne is skin pathology, accompanied by the appearance of papule and blockage of the sebaceous glands. The natural appearance of the skin is disturbed, which in this case looks absolutely unattractive. In medicine, there are …
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